Individual or Group Support?

March 16, 2021 by Marina Andreoli-Laubscher

Wondering whether individual or group support is right for you?
Maybe you’ve never even thought to consider both kinds.

Thanks to the movies, ‘individual therapy’ brings to mind images of grey hair, leather chairs, and notebook scribbles, while ‘group therapy’ is often shown as some type of recovery support group.

While these certainly are examples of what help can look like, there is much more to these different therapies than what the Hollywood stereotypes portray. You may even be surprised at which mode of treatment would be right for you!

Let’s unpack the dynamics in group and individual support to help you discover just that.

There are Benefits To Both

Both group and individual therapy can effectively treat a diverse range of conditions. However, they both have a unique social context- making each deal for a particular kind of struggle.

Have a look at some general strengths and caveats below.

Individual Support





Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels


  • Sessions are paced to your unique blocks and breakthroughs in a tailored therapeutic process
  • You have the therapist’s undivided attention for the full 50 minutes, providing a deeper understanding of your issues and progress
  • More flexible scheduling
  • You’ll forge a strong relationship with your therapist
  • Confidentiality and privacy is guaranteed
  • Our experts specialize in a wide range of fields including:
– Anxiety
– Stress management
– Low self-esteem
– Relationship issues
– Confidence issues
– Bereavement or loss
– Panic attacks
– Substance abuse
– Self-harm
– Trauma
– Low-level depression
– Self-identity


  • One-on-one interactions for this sustained amount of time can be intense.
  • Prepare well by finding a therapist who feels like a good match.
  • You’re only exposed to one person’s perspective and worldview in response to your situation. If it’s a worldview you trust and respect, that’s great!
  • Individual sessions tend to be pricier than group sessions
Group Support





Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels


  • Being in a community provides a deep understanding that you are not alone
  • Groups foster a sense of belonging
  • People are more able to open up when they identify with others
  • Sharing your story with others is a critical part of the healing process
  • You’ll build vital interpersonal skills in a protected environment
  • Interpretations from people with different worldviews help you see your situation from other perspectives
  • You’re encouraged to support others, which helps build self-esteem
  • Allows you to invest in yourself at affordable rates


  • Louder personalities may use a disproportionate amount of therapy time
  • A lack of participation may go unnoticed when a lack of motivation should be addressed
  • Certain personalities in the group may be a trigger
  • Group dynamics may challenge people with a level of anxiety around social situations
  • These groups only focus on one shared need- if other areas arise, there is limited capacity to deal with them
  • Less flexibility in scheduling

Now that you’ve got a better understanding of what each format entails, let’s take a look at how we help point you in your ideal direction.

How it works at Prague Integration

Before starting with your sessions, we ask you to fill out a form where you’ll provide more information on the issue/s you would like to discuss, as well as personal preferences. We then match you with a compatible counselor and your sessions can begin.

Our current Covid-19 support group is for ex-pats who find themselves isolated, anxious, and overwhelmed at this time. The group-oriented nature is ideal for those who want to connect with others in the same boat.

Neither approach is better than the other- but one may be better for you.
You might even benefit most from both!

We provide both treatment avenues to reach the same end goal:
A happier, healthier mind.

Ready to get started? Please send us an email at:
or send a WhatsApp to +420608573256
