Mindfulness workshops

Routine, rush, multitasking, stress, too little time “for anything” and subsequent overload. These day-to-day scenarios are well known to nearly all of us.

This workshop are for anyone who wants to better manage stress, difficult emotions, or repetitive thoughts. The course will also help you to strengthen your concentration, increase your satisfaction and help you live more in the present moment.

Workshop can be done for both associates and managers in duration of 30 min-90 min.

What is Mindfulness and why is it important 

Mindfulness is a type of mental training during which we cultivate our awareness. This method is based on the concept of MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction). This is a scientific approach, conceived in 1979 at the UMASS Medical School under the guidance of Jon Kabat-Zinn. The approach uses a wide range of techniques to build awareness of our inner processes (thoughts, emotions, physical perceptions) and teaches us how to regulate these processes – how to regulate repetitive thoughts, stress, strong emotions, and so on.

Content of our Workshop

Introduction to mindfulness practice

Mindfulness for stress and coping with stress

Coping with difficulties at work and how to use mindfulness

How to apply mindfulness in other aspects of life

Building your own mindfulness toolbox

Benny Ričny – Mindfulness Teacher


Benedikt works as a Psychotherapist and Mindfulness teacher in our team.

After finishing his Bachelor’s degree at the Palacky University in Olomouc he went to study abroad. He completed a Master degree in Health and Social Psychology in Maastricht, Netherlands, and an additional Masters degree in Mindfulness Based Interventions in Dublin.

He specialises in Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)  and offers Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) & Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) courses.




+420 608 573 256