Why is it important to address neurodiversity?
Stigma, a lack of awareness, and a lack of appropriate infrastructure (such as office setup or staffing structures) can cause the exclusion of people with neurodevelopmental differences. Understanding and embracing neurodiversity in communities, schools, healthcare settings, and workplaces can improve inclusivity for all people
Nearly 20% of people globally are neurodivergent. As neuroscience develops, the breadth of neurodiversity is becoming better understood, and thus it is also essential that leaders in the workplace should have knowledge and tools around how to work with employees and colleagues to keep harmony and effectiveness between individuals and among teams. Hiring different brains with varying perspectives means welcoming different talents and skills into the workplace
What do we cover with this workshop?
This three-hour interactive workshop will give managers a basic understanding of neurodiversity and will support them in creating an environment that maintains sensitivity toward neurodivergent employees, facilitating cooperation among people with varying needs, and managing the complexity of many neurotypes under one roof with shared goals.
We will cover the potential strengths and challenges of neurodivergence in the workplace, discuss how to work with the needs of your company’s specific neurodivergent employees and review the preferred language around neurodiversity.
The workshop can be done for both leaders and associates
Glynis Hull-Rochelle
Glynis Hull-Rochelle (USA) has been in Prague for over 30 years. Her background as a Montessori educator, yoga/acroyoga practitioner, and contemporary circus teacher, and years spent in social justice movements, all inform her work as a therapist.
Glynis is a drama therapist and member of the Czech Dramatherapists’ Association (ADČR). She is also a certified school trauma counselor and works as a social-emotional learning facilitator at schools, as well as offering private therapy sessions for teens and adults.
Glynis is at Prague Integration running ”Neurodiversity at workplace” workshop and ”LGBQIA+ support for employees”