Finding a good psychiatrist in the Czech Republic can be important for an expat’s mental health and overall well-being.

A good psychiatrist can provide specialized care and treatment for a wide range of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and more. Their expertise helps individuals manage their conditions effectively.

What are Psychiatric Services?

Psychiatric services are provided by a board-certified psychiatrist (M.D.). People often have a distorted idea of what to expect when they see a psychiatrist and are ashamed and often afraid to seek professional help. They are afraid of being treated as fools by those around them. Thus, many people do not seek help for mental health problems. However, psychiatric care can often save lives.

Who are they for?

A certain amount of stress and psychological discomfort is part of life. Sometimes, however, difficulties develop into serious problems that make it impossible to function normally in relationships and at work. At such times, it is helpful to begin to address psychological difficulties with a psychiatrist. People often seek out a psychiatrist with the following difficulties: long-term sleep disturbance, anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, restlessness, depressive thoughts, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, and life-threatening behavior.

How does it work?

Examination by a psychiatrist takes place in our outpatient clinic, where clients attend. It includes diagnosis and ascertainment of the circumstances, current problems (mental and physical) and also enquiries about the client’s life before coming to the outpatient clinic. The doctor asks for information about family, personal life, illnesses, education, social situation, employment, addictions, previous treatment, etc. The initial examination usually takes an hour. 

A treatment plan is set up in consultation with the client and adherence to this plan is the basis for a successful recovery. Treatment usually involves a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Psychotherapy is then provided in our outpatient clinic by a psychologist or psychotherapist.

How long does the session last and how much do I need to pay?

The length of treatment is individual and depends on the extent of the difficulties and problems in the client’s life.It can be a one-off treatment, but usually lasts in the order of months, with the client attending regular sessions with the psychiatrist and psychotherapist and cooperating with the treatment plan.

Appointments can be made through our outpatient clinic, either by phone or through an online form. The cost of psychiatrist services varies depending on the length of the appointment. The initial session is longer, subsequent follow-up visits may be shorter./30-50 minutes/. All information is confidential.

We are closely cooperating with Neo Centrum as our partner in providing psychiatric services.

If you would like to book your appointment kindly reach to them on this email:

While sending your booking information please write that you have been referred by Prague Integration