Almar Hilmarsson is an investor and international consultant with over 25 years of experience in business as a CEO in IT, Airline, Risk Management, Gastro and Retail, managing start-ups, restructuring and turnarounds in companies with over 5 000 people.
His approach and values are firmly rooted in Nordic culture and evolve around transparency, openness, new ways of thinking, respect, equality, simplicity, and trust.
Examples of how Almar supports you:
- To Zoom out and see the big picture of your business and career.
- Helps you figure out your growth path.
- Brainstorm about your business ideas and how to realise them.
- Setting realistic goals and achieving them.
- Keeping your focus on the things that really make a difference.
- To challenge patterns that keep repeating without giving you the desired outcomes.
- Help with buying, selling, restructuring and funding a business.
- How to deal with difficult people issues such as hiring, firing and office politics.
Mentoring in English, available online or in person in Prague 1, 2, 7 and 8